The Inaugural Imaging Africa Workshop
Cape Town, South Africa
13-17 January 2020
Imaging Africa consisted of a four-day workshop followed by a one-day symposium hosted at the Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine in Cape Town, South Africa. This workshop introduced students exclusively from Africa to a wide diversity of topics pertinent to imaging, including:
Principles of microscopy, such as the fundamentals of optics, digital detectors, wide-field microscopy, laser scanning confocal, deconvolution, spinning disk confocal, and TIRF.
Molecular imaging tools, including the design and application of biosensors, optogenetics, chemogenetics, ‘caged’ small molecules, and engineered allosteric responses.
Advanced imaging approaches and techniques, such as FRAP, FRET, photoconversion, lightsheet, and super-resolution microscopy.
Sample preparation and maintenance of specimens for live imaging.
Digital image processing and quantitative image data analysis.
The combined use of these various microscopy techniques in infectious disease research.
Applicability of microscopy in research within Africa.
Developing skills in scientific communication, proposal writing, and reporting of microscopy data.​
Lectures served as the introduction to the various topics, including the fundamentals of microscopy, optogenetics, fluorescence probes, lightsheet microscopy, super-resolution techniques, mobile microscopes, image processing, and data analysis.
Hands-on Laboratory Sessions
Lab sessions provided practical, hands-on experience where participants were exposed to a multitude of imaging platforms and techniques. Participants were guided through microscopy-based experimentation (set-up and acquisition) with hands-on operation of microscopes that highlight the utility and strength of each modality. One goal of the workshop was to encourage approaching research questions from different perspectives and to develop skills in experimental design driven by quantitative biological inquiry. Thus, participants were given mini-projects to perform image analysis on data acquired from the microscopes. The hands-on practicals culminated in a final class project aimed at developing writing and communication skills.
Imaging Africa also included a 1-day research symposium open to all. This was an opportunity to showcase what is possible when advanced microscopy techniques are optimally applied to address important biological questions. The unique focus of the symposium was to highlight emerging technologies that are accessible to African scientists.
The Imaging Africa workshop was an ideal environment and opportunity to grow and develop research questions and ideas, develop new collaborations, and expose researchers to different perspectives and possibilities. The faculty was available throughout the workshop to provide insight and suggestions to any and all research ideas, providing opinion with the intent to grow exciting and new ideas as well as positively influence the future careers of African researchers.
Toka Abdelrahman Ahmed Osman Zewail City of Science and Technology, EGYPT
Ebenezer Addo Ofori Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, GHANA
Majahonkhe Shabangu University of Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA
Sunday Yinka Olatunji Babcock University, NIGERIA
Leigh Kotze Stellenbosch University, SOUTH AFRICA
Patricia Rantshabeng University of Botswana, BOTSWANA
Brenda Salasini University of Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA
Caroline Beltran Stellenbosch University, SOUTH AFRICA
Mohamed Ahmed Nasreldeen Mahmoud Zewail City of Science and Technology, EGYPT
Solima Sabeel University of Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA
Florence Urio Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, TANZANIA
Naomi Okugbeni Stellenbosch University, SOUTH AFRICA
Muturi Njokah Kenya Medical Research Institute, KENYA
Joel Bargul International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, KENYA
Omolara Olujimi Baiyegunhi Africa Health Research Institute, SOUTH AFRICA
Joshua Labadah University of Ghana, GHANA
Lucian Duvenage University of Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA
Aimé Roland Sanhoun Université Nangui Abrogoua, CÔTE D'IVOIRE
Ameera Adam University of Khartoum, SUDAN
Allan Lugaajju Makerere University, UGANDA
Moagi Shaku University of the Witwatersrand, SOUTH AFRICA
Shafii Mohamed Somali National University, SOMALIA
Sandisiwe Matyesini Stellenbosch University, SOUTH AFRICA
Noé Patrick M'bondoukwé Université des Sciences de la Santé of Gabon, GABON
Teaching Faculty
Teng-Leong Chew HHMI Janelia Research Campus, US
Dan Fletcher University of California–Berkeley, US
Klaus Hahn University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, US
Musa Mhlanga University of Cape Town, South Africa
Kelly Rogers Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Australia
Digby Warner University of Cape Town, South Africa

Date: 17 January 2020
Time: 09:00 - 17:30
Location: Wolfson Pavilion Lecture Theatre, UCT Medical School, Cape Town, South Africa
Keynote Speakers:
Klaus Hahn
Engineering Molecules to Visualize and Control Signaling Circuits in Living Cells
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, USA
Kelly Rogers
Capturing the Dynamics of Red Blood Cell Invasion by the Malaria Parasite using High Resolution Microscopy
Walter & Eliza Hall Institute, Australia
Musa Mhlanga
Imaging in Africa: From Single Cells to Single Molecules
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Daniel Fletcher
Watching the Secret Lives of Pathogens with Light Microscopy
University of California – Berkeley, USA
Teng-Leong Chew
Emerging Frontiers in Microscopy through Open-Access Platforms
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus, USA
Invited Speakers:
Caron Jacobs
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Anna Coussens
Walter & Eliza Hall Institute, Australia
Dirk Lang
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Programme includes:
Refreshment breaks
Open-invitation Research Poster Session with lunch; please feel free to bring your research posters to the symposium
Invited student and post-doctoral researcher talks
Opening remarks by Valerie Mizrahi (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Reception event with guests Anastasia Koch and Ed Young (Eh!Woza, South Africa)